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The Community Housing Affordability Collective (CHAC) is the collective engine for improving housing affordability in Calgary through cross-sector collaboration and community-based advocacy.

We are a network of individuals and organizations that are working together to make housing more affordable for Calgarians, guided by a Steering Committee and a high level Action Plan.

CHAC is non-partisan and does not support any particular political group or individual.



Our vision is a future where Calgary has housing that:

  • Supports choice along the entire housing spectrum;
  • Is safe, appropriate and in suitable locations;
  • Allows Calgarians to meet their lifetime needs; and
  • Is affordable to all Calgarians across all income levels.

To achieve this vision, we are guided by a high-level action plan that has three key outcomes:

  • Integrated approach to housing.
  • Stable and diverse housing mix.
  • Predictable and stable funding.

Our ongoing focus on advocacy

Aligns with the principle that there is strength in having a unified voice striving for change. It is important for the collective to engage with all orders of government regarding any policy changes that may have an impact on housing affordability.